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World Record Egg Was the Most Liked Instagram Post of 2019

Ever since Instagram began the most liked post of the year it has always gone to a celebrity, but in 2019 that changed.

The top spot actually went to an inanimate object, in fact the top two spots did.

The third spot went to a human and it was her very first Instagram post. Jennifer Aniston’s pic with all her Friends friends garnered 15.3 million likes.

The second most liked post goes to a sapling. A young tree posted by the apparel company Ten Tree promising to plant trees globally based on how many likes the post got. That’s been liked 15.7 million times, resulting in over 500,000 new trees

So who or what had the most like IG post of 2019?

The planet’s most famous egg, World Record Egg, created by an ad exec who consciously set out to become the most liked post on Instagram.

To say it worked is an understatement. It currently stands at nearly 54 million likes over 3 times more than any other account in Instagram history.

Photo: Instagram/World Record Egg