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Dentists Say We've Been Eating These Foods Wrong... Here's the Right Way

Photo: Getty

Did you know that you could be eating certain foods the WRONG way?

Ryan Seacrest shared the 3 foods dentists say they wish we would eat differently.

Those foods and the correct way to eat them are:

APPLES - Biting them is very stressful for the teeth.
How to eat them: Cut them into wedges, so you can use your molars.

TORTILLA CHIPS - They turn into tiny sharp shards that get stuck between our teeth or near our gums.
How to eat them: Chew them and slowly and thoroughly and rinse with water.

CITRUS FRUITS - They’re acidic and can damage enamel.
How to eat them: They recommend turbo-chewing and swallowing so the acid doesn’t linger on your teeth.