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This Couple Dressed as a Married Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce in 2020

Photo: Makayla Stephens

A couple went viral for their Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift Halloween costume.

Why is that so crazy?

Well... IT WAS IN 2020!

In a post from October 31, 2020, Makayla Stephens and her husband Nick dressed up as the singer and the Kansas City Chiefs tight end — and the caption has aged perfectly.

"I don’t know any world in which Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce would be in the same room together, but apparently in this one they’re married? #HappyHalloween” read the caption.

Three years later, their costumes are a reality. And they actually attended the Chiefs-Jets game last weekend!

Ryan Seacrest chatted with Makayla about the crazy coincidence and what led up to her 3 year old post and Halloween costume going viral.

Listen below!