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Your Weekly Horoscopes - The Best Holiday Gifts for Your Sign

'Tis the season! Find out what gift you should give each sign below this holiday season:

· ARIES rules the head so think hat, jewelry, makeup, hair accessories, beauty products etc.

· TAURUS are governed by the neck so you can’t go wrong with a necklace, turtleneck, scarf, or perfume.

· GEMINIS are associated with hands and arms so think a nice journal, pair of gloves, rings, bracelets, nail polish.

· CANCER: freshly baked holiday dessert or something sentimental from a memory you two have together.

· LEO: The divas of the zodiac so think shimmery beauty products, statement jewelry pieces, brand name clothing.

· VIRGO: Travel-related organization tools, or a book on home design.

· LIBRAS are associated with the lower back so a silk robe or a sheer nightgown.

· SCORPIOS can be intensely spiritual so think a tarot card reading, decorative crystals, or a book on horoscopes.

· SAGITTARIUS: Something that compliments their active lifestyle like athletic wear, or a chic fanny pack.

· CAPRICORNS are associated with knees, joints and the skeletal system to anything to promote relaxation. A massage, or essential oil diffuser.

· AQUARIUS value experiences so a weekend trip, or a fancy liquor.

· PISCES: A dream journal, watercolor set, mood ring or self-care staples.