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The Best Gym for You Based on Your Zodiac Sign

If you're trying to work out more this year, here is the best gym for you based on your zodiac sign:

· ARIES - You like blood pumping workouts like boxing so find a boxing gym.

· TAURUS - You're most likely to enjoy a powerlifting gym and you’ll appreciate the gyms that tend to have a slower-paced environment.

· GEMINI is the ruler of the spin class! So get to spinning

· CANCER - Be on the lookout for a gym with a pool.

· LEO - You need personal attention so go to a gym with personal training options.

· VIRGO - a boutique yoga studio or a small Pilates club

· LIBRA - You love to be pampered so look for one that gives spa vibes.

· SCORPIOS tend to be a bit shy at the gym so opt for a fitness app.

· SAGITTARIUS - You value alone time so a 24-hour gym would be great so you can do a middle-of-the-night workout.

· CAPRICORN - You feel right at home in a rock climbing gym

· AQUARIUS - You love a dance studio vibe – think barre, ballet, hip hop, or even pole dancing.

· PISCES like to be told what to do so think CrossFit type gyms!